18.10 Exercises

Exercise 18.1.

There have been proposals made for a global ban on the use of lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS). Investigate and describe the current status of action on a ban on the use of LAWS. Present a brief argument in favor or against such a ban.

Exercise 18.2.

Consider the use of robots and companions for the elderly, the disabled, or infants. Investigate and describe briefly the current state of the art for these companions for one of those populations. Present three reasons in favor of their use and three reasons against.

Exercise 18.3.

Human rights and animal rights are well recognized. Outline a case for or against robot rights. Be specific about the robot rights you are discussing.

Exercise 18.4.

Estimate and compare the energy use of deep learning systems and Bitcoin miners, globally. Compare your results to the energy use of a typical city.

Exercise 18.5.

Discuss how one of the normative ethical systems discussed (virtue, consequentialism, and deontological) could be used in design guidelines for an autonomous car.

Exercise 18.6.

Consider the proposal to require strong professional codes of ethics for AI designers and engineers. Give three reasons in favor of requiring such codes and three reasons against. Which, on balance, do you support?

Exercise 18.7.

Consider the need for government legislation, regulation, and enforcement of restrictions on the use of AI. Give three reasons in favor of restrictions and three reasons against. Which, on balance, do you support?