8 Reasoning with Uncertainty

The third edition of Artificial Intelligence: foundations of computational agents, Cambridge University Press, 2023 is now available (including full text).

8.8 References and Further Reading

Introductions to probability theory from an AI perspective, and belief (Bayesian) networks, are by Pearl [1988], Jensen [1996], Castillo et al. [1996], Koller and Friedman [2009], and Darwiche [2009]. Halpern [2003] overviews the foundations of probability.

Variable elimination for evaluating belief networks is presented in Zhang and Poole [1994], Dechter [1996], Darwiche [2009] and Dechter [2013]. Treewidth is discussed by Bodlaender [1993].

For comprehensive reviews of information theory, see Cover and Thomas [1991], MacKay [2003], and Grünwald [2007].

For discussions of causality, see Pearl [2009] and Spirtes et al. [2001].

Brémaud [1999] describes theory and applications of Markov chains. HMMs are described by Rabiner [1989]. Dynamic Bayesian networks were introduced by Dean and Kanazawa [1989]. Markov localization and other issues on the relationship of probability and robotics are described by Thrun et al. [2005]. The use of particle filtering for localization is due to Dellaert et al. [1999].

Manning and Schütze [1999] and Jurafsky and Martin [2008] present probabilistic and statistical methods for natural language. The topic model of Example 8.37 is based on Google’s Rephil described by Murphy [2012].

For introductions to stochastic simulation, see Rubinstein [1981] and Andrieu et al. [2003]. Likelihood weighting in belief networks is based on Henrion [1988]. Importance sampling in belief networks is based on Cheng and Druzdzel [2000], who also consider how to learn the proposal distribution. There is a collection of articles on particle filtering in Doucet et al. [2001].

The annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, and the general AI conferences, provide up-to-date research results.